Is it good to be the king?


We never came up with an answer to the kingly question that defined our evening on Tuesday, but that didn’t prevent a lively and thought-provoking exchange of ideas. There is clearly much to think over and bring back to a future Political Pub.

We dove right into Obama’s current use of executive order, wondering whether he is using or misusing his presidential authority. While some find it purely a political maneuver, others argued that it’s a gesture of take-charge leadership, challenging the Republicans to step up to the plate so that more comprehensive work can be done. But for some it was more a sign of a failure to lead, or at least an acceptance (as David Remnick suggested in The New Yorker) that Obama knows he won’t get any major legisltation accomplished so all he can do is move the ball forward, hoping the next guy can take it from there. We’ll see, as some warned, whether executive order will be the only game in town for the next two years or whether he’ll find a way to work with Congress on more permanent legislation.

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Is it good to be the king?


Here is some light reading to get the juices flowing and the ball rolling as we get ready for Tuesday night.

Both Barack Obama and François Hollande have their work cut out for them these days and their jobs would certainly be a lot easier if they were in strong positions of leadership, with solid public support and the ability to reign in the opposition. Alas, that is not the case and so each is charting a new and novel path in order to pursue their respective agendas.


David Remnick on Obama’s Legacy (A MUST READ)

Obama’s State of the Union and Executive Orders

A view from the left…

A view from the right…

Some history

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Is it good to be the king?

Tuesday February 25, 2014

François Hollande is traveling to Washington for an official state visit with Barack Obama on February 11, the first by a French president since Chirac in ‘96. Still dogged by his late night escapades, Hollande is traveling solo. With no official First Lady to complete the foursome, this is pushing Barack Obama’s White House protocol office into some uncharted territory.

As we re-launch the Pub this seems like a great opportunity to not only talk about presidential politics on both sides of the Atlantic but to ponder the blessings (and at times the curse) of leadership and to wonder aloud whether being top dog is still all its cracked up to be.

So we thought we’d pose the question: Is it good to be the king?


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