I Cast My Vote And All I Got Was This Lousy Government


Perhaps we cannot escape the question often posed at The Political Pub, one that lies at the heart of our political engagement: Who is running our government? On other evenings we have focused on who and government. But last night we looked at our government, us, turning to the subject of Representative Democracy, and the meaning, or lack thereof, of the Vote.

First we asked, Why is the Vote valuable? “People take responsibility for themselves.” “Politicians cannot ignore our votes.” “Voting puts pressure on politicians.” “It is important and fundamental to our representative democracy.” “It stops bad people from taking power.“ “It is our best defense against dictators.”

We also recognized the historical and continued struggles to achieve the Right to Vote. This being by consensus the most basic civic duty, one man even went so far as to suggest that voting be the price of admission for participation in The Political Pub.

These accolades, however, came with a caveat: that the vote as it stands today is perhaps a sham. What could the vote possibly mean, many of us asked, after Gore beat Bush but Bush won the presidency? Or in an era when Presidents claim they have no control over the powerful agencies that actually run our government? Or when ungodly amounts of money are spent on elections, lobbying and political consulting? “Money controls politics, politics money.” “Americans actually believe they make a difference.” “People are dissappointed because they expect things.”

Some put it on our own shoulders: “We don’t know what we want anymore.” Others thought that politics has simply gotten out of control, due to “information overload.“

Amidst this lively back and forth, our guest, Professor Yukio Koriyama, offered a very fresh and concrete view on how to improve political representation. If voting is what is behind our representative form of government, he asked, then are we really offered a system of voting that best represents the multitude of our political voices?

As an economist who specializes in both game theory and voting, Yukio explained that his job was to define the “good system.” For him, a “good system is one that reflects real opinion,” where election results (i.e., “aggregate preferences”) truly reflect the preferences of all voters, and where “honest voting” is encouraged.

Yukio stated his own preference for the principle of “one person, one vote”, contrasting this with others in his field who have called for a sort of “voting market”. However, he warned that while “one person, one vote” is an admirable ideal (and often a constitutional mandate), “we do not have a voting scheme that best achieves this.”

He spoke to us about vote-splitting, using the French 2002 Presidential Election as an example. There, the extreme rightwing candidate, Jean Marie Le Pen, ran against Jacques Chirac in the second round, having beaten Lionel Jospin, the more likely second candidate, in the first round. The problem, or irony, was that, while a large number of people indeed voted for their “real preferences” (for candidates outside the major parities), this ultimately diluted the votes of a more favored candidate, Jospin. While Le Pen ultimately lost by a landslide (82% to 18%), the damage to democracy was already done: voting systems that give voters only one vote (plurality votes) sometimes lead to lesser-approved candidates winning elections.

Yukio then surprised us with the results of an experimental vote conducted during this same 2002 election, in which a select group of French voters were asked to use a different system called Approval Voting. They were given the same list of candidates as in the first round, but they were allowed to express an approval for more than one candidate. The results were astonishing: not only did Le Pen drop far below 2nd place, the approval rating of Chirac and Jospin also fell, and most surprising of all, the winner in the experimental election was the centrist candidate, François Bayrou.

This highlighted, for Yukio, the kind of struggle he and his colleagues face while trying to devise a system in which only “honest votes” control election outcomes. Today, the modern voter is told to not vote his or her preference if it falls outside the major (two) parties. One women confronted this head-on when she spoke of her experience growing up in Russia under one-party rule. Under one-party rule, you vote for two candidates who will nonetheless do the same thing – that which the party dictates. She claimed that America’s two-party rule is no different: Americans are still choosing a puppet of the powerful political parties, who in turn are really running the government, and who do so according to their own self (monied) interests.

We ended by taking a quick look at the subject of proportionality in government. Yukio left us with the story of Luxembourg. For the first twenty years of the European Union, Luxembourg had no meaningful vote because their proportionate vote had no real impact on any outcome. This only came to light thanks to a growing interest in the application of mathematical vigor to voting schemes. Since then, governments have improved on the implementation of proportionality. (Yukio here planted the idea that “concavity” and “square roots” are essential elements of a good system. He claimed that America, with its electoral college and congressional bicameralism, has good concavity, making it more representative than most systems.) Proportionality, especially in Europe, is about controlling majorities and giving more presence to minority parties. But some people remained sceptical about proportionality, arguing that it leads to bad governance, or that extremists will start running the government.

Yukio’s final word on the subject was to strongly suggest that we look into the concept of “digressive proportionality.” This is optional for our political pubbers, but we want to give a big thanks to the Professor, and to all who attended, for making this an enjoyable evening.

– Peter

The Politics of Privacy


“Why not complete openness, with the only limit on transparency to preserve the secrets to building the nuclear bomb.”

Our evening began with a general consensus (a rare commodity at the Pub!) that there is a critical need for national security and an essential role for secrecy in gathering and using intelligence to combat terrorism. But consensus did not last long, and there were soon heartfelt criticisms over NSA overreaching with its bulk data collection and flagrant violations of civil liberties, as revealed by Hero-or-Traitor Edward Snowden. From there we tackled the importance of transparency, personal privacy protections and more active Congressional oversight, with a call for internal and external constraints to help organizations like the NSA better conform to the rule of law, especially in matters of openness and civil liberties.

We took on the intelligence community itself and its apparent disorganization due in part to its sheer size and the number of different acronyms taking on different responsibilities (NSA, CIA, DoD, DEA, FBI). One member raised the issue of private companies being contracted to gather intelligence, which not only complicates oversight but adds commercial interests to the already fragile balance between national security and the Fourth Amendment.

Consolidation and reorganization is what’s needed, many suggested, along with more stringent and active oversight. Others countered, however, that no amount of oversight or reorganization can resolve the underlying incompatibility between intelligence gathering and the Fourth Amendment. The NSA has its mission and some felt that oversight is simply not effective against its massive arsenal.

One hope (wishful perhaps) was that the larger debate could push the intelligence community to re-engineer its internal culture to be more responsive to issues of privacy. It was then argued that in order to bring about effective oversight with the public truly engaged we really need the kind of subversion and civil disobedience that Snowden, Manning, and Wikileaks displayed, following in the footsteps of their whistleblowing forefathers who brought us the Pentagon Papers and the revelations about Hoover’s FBI. Snowden, however, was by no means a universal hero. A couple of voices were quick to paint him a criminal, arguing that the secrets he revealed put Americans both at home and abroad at serious risk.

“There is no honest election in Chicago.”

While some dismissed the method, there was general support of the motive. We generally agreed that Snowden offered the world proof of a certain universal truth that government cannot be trusted. There was also support for the necessity of “extreme cynicism” and distrust. When somebody posed an alternative – that of a benign government – the response was an overwhelming chorus of laughter, ridicule, and dismissal. And yet as we all quickly discovered when our 20-year-old bartender pulled up a chair and when Owen Franken’s son joined the discussion, the degree of trust (or distrust) also depends on your age.

For the current generation of life-long internet users, there is a degree of trust that our older members found disconcerting. Is there a generational shift in our understanding of privacy? Do the current under-thirty Millennials trust government more than previous generations? The Millennials were outweighed in number during our debate, but they seemed to speak for an entire generation. They suggested that we have no choice but to trust (“everybody knows everything, you just need to trust”) and that privacy is a thing of the past (“anyone who thinks that what they do on the internet is private is seriously mistaken.”) And while they acknowledged prior government abuses, for them that’s history and not experience (“it doesn’t touch me personally”).

“The hum of information.”

As the evening drew to a close we turned to technology itself, a subject to which we could easily devote an entire evening. We discussed the internet’s role in forming a political spirit, which seemed impossible due to information overload (“one stops caring altogether.”). For some, information on the internet is “thin”, with plenty of information (perpetual background noise, so to speak) but little depth.  For others, “the internet is not thin, it’s all there, you just need to know how to find it.” And still others asked, “how can you trust what you read on the internet? how can you know what is true, what is false, and what is manufactured?”

It was impossible to cover ever facet of this crucial topic, but we were nonetheless able to visit most of the territory, debating our way through the entanglements of many underlying issues. We closed with the agreement that today’s debate also raises the vision of an as yet unimagined future whose technological advances will prove even more difficult to manage. The debate on the politics of privacy, which has a long history, will clearly have a long future as well.

– Peter

The Politics of Privacy

Some light reading for May 13

So how far are we willing to let government go to protect us from terrorists and to pursue its (our?) national interests? How much secrecy can we tolerate? How much do we need to know, how much trust should we have and how much transparency is enough to sleep well at night? And do we care if the government knows whether we’re sleeping or not?

Snowden forced the debate with his revelations about the NSA last year, as Julian Assage did with Wikileaks in 2010. Now it’s our turn to tackle these vital and essential questions when we meet on May 13. Please take a moment to check out the links below. We can’t guarantee you won’t be tracked by the NSA for reading them all but you’ll certainly be well-informed for Tuesday night.

You thought you really knew America? (at least watch the opening video)

The Guardian was the first to publish Snowden’s revelations and wound up winning a Putlizer for their NSA coverage. Here is their great overview of all the issues.

And don’t forget the Washington Post. They won a Pulitzer too…

Ever wonder how the now infamous Section 215 really works?

Here’s a great video roundtable discussion on intelligence gathering and privacy on the internet.

And another…but perhaps best to focus on an interesting explanation from the NSA about their culture of secrecy. Start the video, click on “scenes” and then scroll down and select scene 42.

Congress is hoping to pass legislation to reform the NSA and stop the mass collection of phone data.

The White House is also turning its attention to Silicon Valley and the larger tech sector.

Ever wonder how Google, Facebook and others track your data?

Lavabit is one company that refused to play ball and faced the consequences.

So is Snowden a hero?

…or not?

It all makes you think back to when you needed a lock pick and crowbar to steal secrets.

The NSA revelations remind us why Wikileaks is important.

So what is Wikileaks all about and what was Julian Assange up to?

And what if Wikileaks ultimately means less transparency?

Edward Snowden: I’m no Julian Assange!

You say you want a revolution…


April Fools Day, 2014

Our guest Prof. Oleg Kobtzeff opened the evening with an engaging history of the Ukrainian people that took us from the Middle Ages, when Tatars ruled and the Cossacks appeared, through the early and late twentieth century, focusing on Ukraine’s complicated relations with Russia, up until the collapse of the Soviet Union. He described post-Soviet Ukraine as a veritable Dodge City, where euphoria and freedom gave way to a general free-for-all and corruption.

With no strong leader (such as Putin) to establish a rule of law, the 2000s brought the Anti-Kuchma Revolt and the Orange Revolution, before climaxing with the events of this winter that spiraled into a larger geo-political crisis. It has entangled Russia, the United States, the EU and NATO, with ramifications for everything from the civil war in Syria to China sitting on the sidelines.

And then the hands went up!

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You say you want a revolution…

Some light reading for April 1

We cannot begin to summarize everything that is being discussed both in print and online about the on-going situation in Ukraine, but we do have a few links below that should help set the table for our discussion on Tuesday. Don’t feel like you have to get through everything. However, a multiple choice quiz will be passed out at the end of the evening, with an essay for extra credit!


Prof. Kobtzeff is a regular contributor on France 24. You can watch some of his appearances in both French and English, including roundtables focused on the situation in Ukraine, on his blog. He also recently published this piece on the website Opinion Internationale.



A Timeline

Understanding Ukraine

Why they look West – Ukraine, poverty and the EU



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